Monday, January 23, 2012

2nd Ultrasound

On January 6th we had our first official, very long, appt. with my doctor. They warned us it would be long but over 2 hours, WOW! First we met with the financial person who goes over all of our insurance and the estimated cost of our appointments, ultrasounds, delivery, etc. We were very pleasantly surprised to find out our delivery is covered 100%!!! All we have to do was pay a $25 copay! We will have some other costs for ultrasounds, epidural, optional testing, etc., but considering most deliveries average around $6,000, we feel very very blessed! Next we had another ultrasound and I was very excited to find out it was a normal ultrasound, on the belly! YAHOO! Baby P looked like a gummy bear and was dancing all around! It was SO SO cute, Jp could hardly sit still he was so excited!! After our ultrasound we met with my OB who has been my gynecologist for 6 years. He is a funny guy, tall and kind of teddy bear like and the best part, he did his residency at UF, which may be the reason why I chose him in the first place. :) He gave us our official due date of July 31st and went over a TON of information. Next we headed to the lab where I handed over about 12 vials of blood and then we were finally on our way.

Now for some photos:

The ultrasound pic is of Baby P at 10 weeks, 3 days and the pic of me is at 10 weeks, 2 days. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

1st Ultrasound

This post is a little late because of a. I was terribly ill and b. The Holidays, but better late than never.

The morning of our first ultrasound I woke up SO sick and a little nervous. I managed to eat a little and waited until the absolute last second to get in the shower-it was a rough morning. When we arrived at the doctor's office I had started to feel a little better and we luckily didn't have to wait long. As soon as the ultrasound started, Baby P popped right up-looking a lot like a caterpillar with a beautiful little fluttering heart. We were instantly in love! The doctor then dated me at 8 weeks, which I was excited about because the quicker I can get away from the first trimester, the better!! We even got to hear the little heartbeat and I'll never forget that sound, so fast, like a little train.

It was a wonderful day and for a brief moment, my excitement overpowered my nausea! YAY!!

The above pics are of course, Baby P, and us (me smiling despite the major nausea!)