Friday, December 2, 2011

The day that changed everything!

On Wednesday 11/30/2011 around 5:45 a.m., I snuck to the bathroom to take an HPT. I was nervous and giddy and just kept praying I would see the word I've been wanting to see for so many months. Almost immediately, there is was, PREGNANT! I KNEW IT! I was very suspicious over the past couple days of the things I have been experiencing: CRAVING, like HAD to have, Ginger Ale, skin not breaking out like it does before my period comes, a couple little dizzy spells and NO spotting. I jumped up and down and wanted to wake Jp to tell him, but I had this huge elaborate plan to tell him but I couldn't wait. I went back to bed and tapped him on the shoulder, "What time are you getting up?" I asked, he said "6:15, what's wrong?!?! Are you spotting? It's o.k. if you are!" I told him that I wasn't and switched the light on. He was totally confused and asked me what was going on? I showed him the test, which he couldn't read because his eyes hadn't adjusted to the light. He stared at the test, blinking it into focus and then he saw it and said, "It says your pregnant!!" and threw his fist in the air! HA! I was laughing and crying and the dogs were looking at us like we were nuts! It was perfect!

We knew we wanted to tell some people right away, my sister, Dad and my two best friends but we would have to wait to tell his parents because we wanted to tell them in person (On CHRISTMAS!!!). Every one's reaction was great, I could hear my sister's smile over the phone and she instantly helped me make a plan as to how to tell our nieces and nephews on Christmas and then told me I had to tell our brother because she was going to see him this weekend and couldn't keep it in. Both of my best friends were SO excited and both wished they could have been here with me that day to celebrate. My brother was happy and my sister-in-law squealed! It was all so perfect!

My dr's office had me come in right away for my Beta and called soon after with my results. The nurse scared me because she sounded so serious and then said, "Congratulations girl, you are definitely pregnant, your beta was 344!" YAHOO! I went back for my repeat beta and progesterone today and am anxiously awaiting the phone call.

It's unreal how special I feel. I have this amazing, size of a poppy seed secret inside and I am over the moon. As for Jp, he is walking around with the biggest grin on his face and tells me silly things like "don't bump into anything"! This pregnancy could not have come at a more perfect time! Christmas is my favorite holiday and everything is so magical and exciting and finding out Baby P is on the way is going to make this Christmas that much more special!

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